A difficult interim management mission

The client’s problem:

A Mutual in the process of changing to a new provident management software package has to change without delay, in the middle of the project, its IT project manager. The client asks Boost’RH Groupe to provide them with a solution to continue the project, coordinate the consultants assigned to the project and find a solution to continue to manage the pension plans of members.

The service provided:

After having carried out a study of the situation, Boost’RH Groupe suggests that its client find an external resource for 12 months. This resource should have computer skills, project management and foresight. To complicate the situation, the position is to be filled in a provincial town where the jobs linked to the Mutuals profession are absorbed by a giant of Health and Welfare.

Boost’RH Groupe operates its network (Mutuals and IT), in order to detect two candidates who perfectly match the position, and who accept an assignment under an 18-month interim management contract.

The benefit for the customer:

Boost’RH Groupe provides a replacement solution for the client, the IT and provident consultant remains managed by Boost’RH Groupe, and has no impact on the payroll or the workforce of this Mutual for 18 months.