Infallible recruitment sourcing methods!

Recruitment sourcing

Defining sourcing

Recruitment sourcing is a digital recruitment method that consists of identifying candidate profiles on the Internet that match specific skills required to fill a position. This new way of recruiting has emerged in Anglo-Saxon countries to become the most suitable strategy by 2022. The aim of sourcing is to identify as many qualified candidates as possible for a given position.

However, for sourcing to be effective, it’s not enough to post an ad and wait for candidates to show up. We need a real strategy. Proactively seeking, qualifying and identifying the best candidates has become essential.

In other words, sourcing is a crucial stage in the recruitment process. If it’s bad, the recruitment will have little chance of succeeding.

Recruitment sourcing is the preferred technique for recruiting candidates on LinkedIn!

Sourcing challenges

The main objective behind the development of sourcing is to reach candidates who are not immediately looking for a job. The ad should come to the candidate, not the other way around. This allows you to benefit from a database of candidate profiles for a given position, saving time when a real need arises and putting your network to work. Candidate sourcing is an emerging skill in recruitment and a strategic activity for the company.

Sourcing activities are increasingly moving towards smart sourcing!

The difference between sourcing and recruiting

Make no mistake about it: sourcing is very different from recruitment, and takes place upstream of the hiring process. This is the phase during which the sourcer looks for suitable profiles and builds up a pool of candidates. Recruitment involves meeting these people and putting them through tests and/or interviews. Nevertheless, both practices are part of the process of building human capital, and a number of factors contribute to the ambiguity surrounding the terms “sourcing” and “recruiting”.

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As a general rule, the sourcing phase lasts less than 2 months; for 50% of recruiters, it lasts between one and three weeks.

The benefits of sourcing

The su sourcing method in recruitment is very popular for several reasons:

-Save time: by establishing specific criteria and a skills profile, you can quickly identify the most suitable candidate for the job;

-easily target a candidate: thanks to sourcing, recruiters can more easily target the most relevant applications;

-reduce costs;

-target passive profiles, i.e. people who are not actively looking for a job;

-recruit better profiles;

-improved competitiveness. The recruiter contacts the best professionals for his company

Recruiting by co-option is another way of reducing costs

The different sourcing techniques

Job boards

Job boards such as Pôle emploi and APEC are the most popular, as they have their own CV libraries. This is an indirect sourcing method. So there’s a database to be exploited to extract profiles corresponding to the position you’re looking for. It’s important not to be too specific in your search, or you risk eliminating all candidates. Platforms are a formidable tool for accessing millions of open-source profiles and thus speeding up recruitment. This is the technique most often used by recruiters today.

Resume libraries

They have the advantage of a large number of profiles. They enable recruiters to carefully select future candidates based on keywords determined during the recruitment process. Note that there are free CV libraries such as Pole Emploi, Apec… as well as paying ones such as Indeed or Météojob.

It’s a good idea to create your own bank of CVs to draw on when you need them.

Professional social networks

They are essential for recruiting tomorrow’s talent. They should not be seen as competitors to job boards. You have to use it to give your company visibility and a good image. This inevitably has an impact on recruitment. Generation Y profiles will prefer LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter, for example. This facilitates dialogue via instant messaging. They are free of charge. These channels also enable the recruiter to become a brand ambassador by notifying the company that he or she is a brand employee.

Resume libraries and professional social networks are the most widely used tools, because they are the most effective!

The events

Throughout the year, we organize trade fairs and forums to help you meet new people. Anything goes to increase your chances of recruitment.

The relational network

It’s a good idea to use your personal and professional contacts to pass on your job offers. This makes it possible to obtain applications more quickly and free of charge.


In some cases, just being visible isn’t enough. So we need to improve our sourcing by opting for co-optation. It is also known as “participative recruitment” and “sponsorship”. This involves recommending someone in your network for a position. It saves time and agent time. The idea is to call on your trusted professional network. It’s worth offering a co-optation bonus for recommending a candidate.

Employer branding

To capture the attention of talented people and encourage them to apply for a job with your company, you need to enhance your employer brand. To do this, you need to publish regularly on social networks. This will make it easier to increase the number of qualified applicants. If the company has a good online image, it can be sure of finding good profiles. The work environment, employee relations and good values are all essential factors for candidates.

We also recommend regular monitoring and maintenance of your CV library.

The different stages in sourcing

Sourcing doesn’t just mean putting aside the CVs of former candidates. Above all, it’s a proactive approach that requires specific skills and a strategy in line with the company’s objectives. Here’s an overview of the main steps:

Precise identification of needs

The first step is to analyze the position to be filled. A discussion must therefore take place between the manager concerned and the HR department. We need to determine the technical and human skills required for the job. This step is essential. This will enable the recruiter to identify the types of profile to target. The more precise the profile, the easier the search! What skills? What level of experience? For how long?

Locating and sourcing candidates

Finding the right candidate can take time, especially if the position in question requires specific skills. You need to target the right sourcing tools: job boards, professional social networks, networking, forums and trade shows…

Targeting potential candidates

Once you’ve chosen the appropriate channels, start your search based on the job description. Be careful not to dismiss applications that don’t seem to fit the job in every way, or you risk missing out on a potential candidate.

Approaching and sourcing pre-selected talent

Once you’ve gathered a sufficient number of candidates matching your requirements, it’s time to source the talent by contacting them to obtain as much information as possible. The quality of sourcing will depend on the data collected, and in particular its relevance to the position to be filled.

Information needs to be classified and ordered in the HR tool, enabling useful data to be listed.

Talent tracking and management

It’s imperative not to rule out any talent, even if it’s not related to the position you’re looking for. All data must be retained. It’s even a good idea to keep an eye on the market and add as much information as possible to your CV library. It’s the best way to identify talent on time, and above all to save time for future recruitment.

It’s worth noting that a company can suffer from a high turnover rate, a lack of employee commitment or a lack of skills. If sourcing is successful, these problems won’t arise in the future. To attract the best talent, recruiters need to optimize their recruitment sourcing. Whatever the size of your company, you need to rethink your methods and develop your employer brand. You also need to choose the right recruitment channels. What’s more, if you don’t have the necessary resources in-house, you can call on the services of a recruitment agency.

Recruitment sourcing can be time-consuming. Patience is therefore called for. It’s not so easy to find that rare pearl!

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To sum up

In 3 questions

To sum up

En 3 Questions

  • What is sourcing?

    Sourcing involves identifying and listing the best profiles for a specific position. It meets precise selection criteria to find the ideal candidate. This involves all the actions required to identify high-potential employees and build up a database of candidates.

  • Different recruitment techniques

    With the development of new technologies, sourcing methods have changed dramatically. Website, LinkedIn and social networks have changed the game.

  • Sourcing tips

    To source properly, you first need to describe your requirements to understand, define and target the type of profile you want to source. Secondly, we need to define the type of tools to be used, and finally launch the sourcing process with analysis of the first resumes and follow-up.