Why is it sometimes better to choose a timeshare HR manager?
You work as an Administrative Manager, your start-up is in full development and it is imperative that you find a HRD who will support you
Its vocation will be to provide you with tools, but also HR recommendations, real support in the context of solving your problems.
Boost’RH Groupe was created in 2007, precisely to meet the needs of rapidly developing establishments.
We bring you the HR solutions that will improve your progress
Your consultant only intervenes a few days a month, according to your needs
If you needed this consultant for the constitution of a payroll audit or the application of social law, he will obviously be able to take on tasks of this type.
You will also be able to request him to supervise more specialized and rare missions, he will then be accompanied by a specialist.
By going through Boost’RH Bretagne, you therefore have a human resources consultant who can prove all the experience necessary to carry out your missions.
Our firm is located in most of the main agglomerations of the territory in order to be able to offer a local offer to each company that needs our employees.
As a result, in your region, we will be able to manage your needs, thanks to our teams available on site, so do not hesitate to contact us.